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- Clearly define what you stand for. When you think back to the most recent presidential election, can you remember what each candidate stood for? The entire nation knew exactly what Obama claimed to stand for- “change.” But can you remember what the others stood for? Clearly and simply articulating what you want people to believe, will make you stand out above the rest. It’s important for people to have something positive tied to your name.
- Social media has become the new modern day marketing. As technology evolves, past campaigning strategies have become obsolete. Social media has changed the way the nation communicates, and as a candidate it’s important to take advantage of all of the resources available to you. It’s important to stay one step above the competition at all times. We’re constantly looking for the most efficient outlet to promote your campaign.
- Your voters will always be looking out for number one. Voters aren’t looking for products and services, they’re concerned solely with themselves and about solving their own problems. Your job is to solve the problems facing the voters. They’re not buying into you personally, they’re buying into the solutions you’re promising. Your campaign should focus more so on your audience than yourself. Your voters need to feel that their concerns are your concerns, and that you’re tuned in to their problems.
- Don’t concern yourself with the competition. Successful candidates rarely get ahead by putting down their competitors. Focus on the problems facing the voters rather than why you’re better than the other candidates. Your voters will appreciate that your attention has been given to them and their problems, and you’ll earn respect for focusing on the right issue
- Put your fans first. Instead of catering to the media, find ways to keep your fans informed directly through you. Keeping your fans involved builds confidence in your campaign and your promises. Updating your fans about recent changes in your campaign via twitter rather than mainstream media, tells the voters you’re more interested in them than you are the medias attention.
- Tele-marketing calls don’t win over voters. Do you like getting phone calls in the middle of dinner? Your voters don’t either. Annoying the voters isn’t an effective way to win a campaign.
- Positivity sells. Evoking a feeling of hope into the voters will get you much further than trying to evoke fear about the other candidates. Your campaign should be uplifting and promising.